With the economy gaining momentum, the financial meltdown of ’08 seems like a fading memory. Unfortunately, for anyone unable to keep up on all their bills during the lean years, it only takes a letter from a collection company to bring it all flooding back. And there is nothing like a collection lawsuit to force […]
Clean up your credit report now or it will cost you. Even small blemishes on your credit report can have big financial consequences. When it comes to getting a loan, your credit score is everything. It will influence the interest rate you pay, the size of the down payment, or whether you get the loan […]
How to Dispute Errors in Your Credit Report So you followed my advice and requested a copy of your credit report. You were surprised to find things that didn’t belong there. You’re not alone. Last year 60 Minutes reported that as many as 40 million Americans have at least one error on their credit report. […]
14 Jul '14
For the members of today’s military no personal sacrifice goes unpunished. Deployments, frequent relocations and a steady paycheck make our service men and women prime targets for high interest loans, identity theft, credit reporting errors, automobile fraud and countless other unscrupulous scams. In an effort to promote awareness of consumer issues facing our men and […]
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- Military Consumers
You Are More Than a Number… But You Aren’t. Aside from your social security number, your credit score may be the most important number in your life. It can affect where you live, what you drive, even where you work. The score is based on your credit card and loan payment histories, outstanding debts and […]