So you took out student loans to pay for college? You aren’t alone. Over 40 million Americans have at least one student loan. Currently student debt totals over $1.2 trillion nationwide. With the average college student graduating with nearly $30,000 in loans and many with significantly more, student debt is rapidly becoming a national crisis. […]
Clean up your credit report now or it will cost you. Even small blemishes on your credit report can have big financial consequences. When it comes to getting a loan, your credit score is everything. It will influence the interest rate you pay, the size of the down payment, or whether you get the loan […]
26 Sep '14
What ever happened to the Repo Code? The New York Times recently ran a disturbing article discussing the increasing use of GPS tracking and “ignition interrupt devices” by sub-prime lenders and auto dealers to “encourage” borrowers to make their payments on time. Essentially, lenders install a device in a car that will track its location […]